Tours Lake Vänern
Before we get started we make sure that our group is ready for a safe paddling experience. If needed, you will learn the basic paddling techniques at the starting point. We plan our excursion together depending of the desires of you. Tea/coffee, snacks, lunch and full paddling equipment are included. Bring water and another set of clothes – rain clothes if needed, otherwise sun block and hat. Good general health and ability to swim 200 m is required. Minimum of 4, maximum 10 participants. Private groups – always 2 nature/kayak guides.

4. Lurö Archipelago Nature Reserve
The tip of peninsula Värmlandsnäs is a perfect starting point to experience the huge Lake Vänern. By a shallow sandy beach, we launch our kayaks for a five hour tour. In shelter of islands we paddle in company of different birds characteristic of the area. In the sky we might follow ospreys or sea eagles hunting for their daily meal. There are many possibilities to have a stop for a swim and dive from the rocks. When we are hungry we make stops for home-made snacks and lunch. Maybe we visit the old fisherman’s cottage Vithall, which is a museum and shows life in days gone by. If weather conditions are good we might reach the main island Lurö, where it is possible to make an overnight stay and prolong another wonderful day of kayaking.
Read more in blog post family kayaking.
Price 2900 SEK/person
Minimum price 8700 SEK

5. Tösse and Yttre Bodane Archipelagos Nature Reserves
Situated in the west part of huge Lake Vänern we find two virgin nature reserves which are outstanding for paddling. As winds often come from south west, these archipelagos are often sheltered. The myriads of low islands, some covered with low pine forest, are magical to investigate and paddle around. To reach the outer islands and view the vast waters and the horizon towards east is stunning. The human history probably dates back since the inland ice melted and formed Lake Vänern to a fresh-water lake. We make stops on places of geological, biological and cultural interest. Of course also for our home-made snacks and lunch of local character and maybe for a swim in the clear water! After this five hour excursion we hope that you just want more.
Price 2900 SEK/person
Minimum price 8700 SEK

6. Bird and Beaver Safari – Byälven Estuary
During a three hour tour you are welcome to investigate the interesting life in the huge “reed sea”. The concerts from the birds and the light in in spring and early summer is something you never will forget. A real nature symfoni. River Byälven passes Krokstad Mansion on its way out to huge Lake Vänern. Reeds and water lilies cover big areas of the estuary – a perfect habitat for birds, beavers, dragonflies and fish. We paddle our tandem kayaks from Krokstad, in morning light or by sunset, with company of a lot of birds as herons, mallards, and geese. Maybe we spot a white-tailed eagle or an osprey circling above us, or other birds of prey searching for food. If we are lucky the beaver will show up swimming and suddenly dive with a giant splash with its huge tail. This is a perfect excursion from mid-April to mid-June. An overnight stay at Krokstad Mansion with its delicious food is a must!
In our blog post you can read more.
If you want to experience more of Lake Vänern we offer a private boat trip to Djurö National Park – the most remote island archipelago in Sweden. The main island has many hiking trails and an interesting history which we would like to share with you on a guided hiking tour.