The day was here. The sun was shining! Equipped with skates and boots 4 expectant Englishmen set off to try their first skating on natural ice.
Matt, Paula, Barry, Nigel and Jessica.
Mount Städjan east of us
Herd of rein deer
Up we go. Is the ice still their despite temperatures around zero?
Fjell Nipfjället west of us
Mountain grouse in winter plumage
Yippiee!!!! The ice is good enough for the premiere.
Boots on
Here we go
Ice princess – Jessica loves it
After adjustments and skating of their own we stop a while for a bit of technique practise.
Skates on
Off they skate – round and round…
Skating is much of changing the weight on the legs
Listening students
Practise, practise
Ice dance
Getting the technique
Up again
Good days´ practise!