Early spring flowers are followed by the next generation of flowers in blossom. Birds show themselves in splendor costumes. The air is full of sounds of happy migratory birds. The rocky walking trail “Soteleden” at Sotenäset and a full day walk at “Ramsvikslandet” gave us a feeling that spring is really here.
Wetland moor
Hare´s tail – cotton grass – tuvull
Hepatica nobilis
Sea weed after winter storms – gives life to nutrient-poor soils
Common Scurvy Grass – effective against scurvy, gout and shortness of breath
A lighthouse appears
Foraging Curlews
Resting Sea Gulls
Wheatear – looking for the most suitable partner
Eurasian skylark spring song
The Juniper heath attracts migratory birds – a Ring Ouzel showed up
Three suns meet the sun!
Coltsfoot field – the plant is effective against cough
Next generation of spring flowers – Common cowslips