We couldn’t resist to continue our discovery along the north east coast of Lake Vättern. The weather was with us so instead of what we was thinking making a short trip morning trip we were out all day – discovered the coast south of Tokanäset, passed Lemunda Bay and the exciting “Mill stone coast”, rounded Island Åholmen, had a wonderful swim by the sandy beach Lilla Hals and returned home in the evening. Full of new energy and impressions – again!
We followed the shore line and were amazed by the remnants from an industrial era about 100 years ago – mill stone making.
The sandstone shore line and the bottom below the water surface was “decorated” by loads of mill stones for kilometers. This masterpiece is now like a huge installation of arts which reminds us of very clever and hard working people. Sadly many of them died too early because the effects of their work.
We can’t get enough of this clear, drinkable water!
We were very excited to investigate “our” new island. And we got a great reward – birds showed up we never had dreamt of.
An inviting sandy beach was our our next goal.
With the afternoon sun in the back we had a wonderful trip back.

Total length of this trip was 28 km – in a relaxed paddling.